ColdEvProLayer: The Manual Way Of Managing Your PHP Files

3 min read

The Apache License requires that you distribute the source code of your PHP application under a license, but there are ways to make PHP code work without releasing its underlying source (e.g., using ColdEvProLayer).

Why Use ColdevProLayer?

ColdEvProLayer is a system for managing your PHP files that makes it easy to keep your codebase organized and DRY. With ColdEvProLayer, you can easily organize your codebase, track changes, and more. Plus, with the help of our development tools, you can easily manage your project’s dependencies.

Installing ColdevProLayer

ColdEvProLayer is a module for managing your PHP files automatically. It’s a great way to keep your code organized and manageable, and it can help reduce the amount of time you spend editing code.


Licensing PHP Files with a User Account

When you need to license your PHP files, there are a few options available. The ColdEvProLayer User Account provides an easy way to manage your licenses and keep track of who has access to which files.

The ColdEvProLayer User Account is available in two versions: Standard and Professional. The Standard account is free and allows you to manage up to five licenses, while the Professional account is paid and allows you to manage up to 25 licenses.

Associated files

To create a ColdEvProLayer User Account, first log in to your account manager at and click on the “Create New User” button. You will be asked to provide some basic information about the user, such as their name and email address. Once you have entered this information, you will be taken to the “User Management” page where you can set up your user account.

On the “User Management” page, you will find a list of all of your licenses and their associated files. To view or edit a license, simply select it from the list and click on the “Edit” button next to it. On the “Settings” page, you can modify any of the settings for that license,

Managing Your Licenses Via the Web

ColdEvProLayer is a free, open source licensing management tool that makes it easy to manage your PHP licenses. This blog article will show you how to use ColdEvProLayer to manage your licenses.

First, create a new ColdEvProLayer account if you don’t already have one. Then, open the ColdEvProLayer website and click on the “Add License” button.

On the “Add License” page, enter the license information for the software you want to license. You can find this information in the copyright or licensing notices for the software.


Next, choose which files you want to license. You can select all of the files in a directory or just some of them. You can also choose to license just specific versions of files.

Once you’ve selected the files and options, click on the “Create License” button.  will generate a license file for you.

To use your new license, copy the license file to your server and add it to your server’s path. Then, open your server’s config file (usually located at /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and add a


As an online business, it’s important that your website runs smoothly and efficiently. That’s where  comes in- as our manual file


for PHP files. By using ColdEvProLayer, you can keep your website running at peak performance without having to worry about errors or slowdowns caused by unorganized code. When you’re ready to take your site to the next level, contact us today to learn more about how we can help!


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